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Hør den her 

Komponist  Lau Laursen
Tekst             Svend-Aage Petersen

Lau Laursen har under corona krisen udgivet små musikstykker på youtube,
inspireret af hans umiddelbare stemning. Denne her poetiske melodi inspirerede
mig til et digt, der udtrykker tab og længsel og måske håb
Lau kan høres på
Youtube og på facebook og hans hjemmeside

The morning dew dying

The morning dew dying
a kiss by the soft wind
I am hearing a blackbird
in blue

A longing for near you
the touch of a smile
a twinkle in your eyes
A hope

I’ll bid you farewell now
And fly in a dream now
I’m rapped in red ribbons
That keeps me from falling 

if I should end up 
a wandering echo
I’ll keep all my memories
` leave you my heart 

If I’ll see you again 
in a far, far away future 
I would fear I’ll be falling

from the cradle of the shadows
in the mist of the day.
To face up the forsaken
and forgotten ideals
when I go.  

A longing for near you
the touch of a soft smile
a twinkle in your eyes
A hope ?

The morning dew dying
a kiss by the wind
I’m hearing a blackbird
in blue

til oversigten

Opdateret d. 1.5.2020